How to Set Up a Gallery in WordPress with Kadence Blocks

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In the visual world of WordPress, galleries are a powerful tool to showcase your photography, artwork, or products. But with the default WordPress editor lacking advanced features, creating stunning galleries can feel limiting.

That’s where Kadence Blocks comes in, a free plugin that supercharges your Gutenberg editor a variety of creative blocks, including an amazing advanced gallery block.

This guide will walk you through the steps of setting up a beautiful and engaging gallery in WordPress using Kadence Blocks.

Here is a video tutorial on setting up a gallery on your WordPress site using Free Kadence Blocks.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up your galery with Kadence Blocks.

Install and Activate Kadence Blocks Plugin

To get started,

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Plugins” menu.
  • Click on “Add New Plugin“.
  • Search for “Kadence Blocks“.
  • Once you find the plugin, click “Install Now” and “Activate” to enable it on your website.
How to install the free Kadence Blocks plugin
How to install the free Kadence Blocks plugin
  • Create a new page or edit an existing one.
  • Click the “+” icon and search for “Gallery.”
  • Click on the “Gallery (Adv)” block.
  • After adding the block, you will see a “Select Images” button, which you can use to add images to the block.
How to add the Gallery (Adv) block to a page.
How to add the Gallery (Adv) block to a page.

After adding images to the block you can now proceed to styling it using the various settings it has to offer.

Under its General settings, you can;

  • Set the gallery type. This can be a carousel, slider or a masonry kind of gallery.
  • Adjust the number of columns and the gutter.
  • Link configuration and enabling the lightbox.
  • Captions settings.

Under the Style settings you can set the border radius, add and an image filter and shadow.

To adjust the margins and padding for the block, you will use the Advanced block settings.

The Gallery (Adv) Block and its settings.
The Gallery (Adv) Block and its settings.

If you would like to have more options and settings for the Advanced Gallery block, upgrade to Kadence Blocks Pro. This will give you access to more gallery layout options and conditional display settings.

Final Thoughts

With Kadence Blocks, creating beautiful and engaging galleries in WordPress is easier than ever.

By following these steps and exploring the plugin’s features, you can showcase your visual content in a way that impresses your visitors.

Remember, the Kadence Blocks free version offers a solid foundation for building basic galleries. So, unleash your creativity and start building stunning galleries today!

Extra Tips

Check out some extra tips when it comes to using image-related Kandence Blocks in WordPress.